Analysis of World War Z
This is a long shot of the start of the production logo 'Skydance Productions'. I think there is colour symbolism because of the black and navy blue background which connotes mystery and death. Also, there is icy blue and white that radiates off the moon in the shot which connotes coldness and fear; this makes the audience feel agitated. I think this shot imposes panic on the audience because cold and icy toned colours. The non- diegetic music is dramatic and the tempo gradually slows down which makes you feel on edge. There is sound effects of a slow and low pitched hear beat which heightens the audiences fear.

This extreme long shot of the production logo is boldly written in white italics; this harshly contrasts against the navy blue and black background. I think there is colour symbolism because the white connotes purity and innocence and black expresses darkness. The white writing has a hint of light blue fading through it which gives the impression of it fading into the galaxy sky. The non- diegetic sound has a slow and repetitive rhythm of low pitch heart beats which correlates with the suspense atmosphere. Also, there is high pitch shrieking of wind which links with the wind blowing through the frame of the shot; this creates an eery atmosphere. This shot has a very quick and snappy transition which makes the audience feel panicked because of the irregular speed of transitions.

This is a long shot of the company name 'Hemisphere', I think this logo is significant to the film because the globe could link to war. The glittering globe contrasts against the sharp back background. In my opinion this links to the idea of the beauty of the world being destroyed by war. The glittering sparkles on the globe correlates with the soft chimes of music. The music fades into heavy footsteps which creates a crescendo and immediately makes the audience feel fearful and confused by the suede change in music.

This is a extreme establishment shot of a 'utopia fantasy' type beach which has been created by the vivid imagery. There are soft colours and warm lighting which contrasts to the horror genre. There is golden yellow, light pink, purple and blue which fade into each other in the sky. The right hand side of the shot is cold and dark because of the purples and blues which makes the audience feel agitated. On the other hand, the left hand side of the shot fades into a yellow and pink sunset which reflects on the sea. This makes the audience feel relaxed and comfortable. The waves are softly lapping which correlates with the peaceful atmosphere. The diegetic sound is of calming waves lapping which clashes with the non- diegetic fast and snappy music.

This is a medium shot of purple and blue clouds which are prominently outlined by the golden lighting. I think the clouds could symbolise fear and evil because they are taking over the sky. I think sit could symbolise heaven because the colours are soft and light which connotes peace. The non- diegetic music is quick paced because the tempo is getting quicker which makes the audience feel on edge. I believe the clouds movement covering more of the sky could represent the evil absorbing all the happiness which links to the horror genre.

This is a medium long shot of skyscrapers which I think indicates that the plot will involve an epidemic because a city is packed with millions of people. There is glowing warm lighting peering through the buildings which expresses the beauty of the city. The music is getting higher in pitch and faster in tempo which creates a tense atmosphere. The warm orange lighting connotes tranquility and peace which contrasts to the typical horror settings. The nob- diegetic music has a rapid and sharp tempo which contrasts to the relaxing view, the fast tempo makes the audience feel unsettled. The sharp transition correlates with the fast tempo which adds to the suspense atmosphere.

This is distorted and broken up in two sections, one of sections is a close up and the other is a medium close up. There is cold and dreary lighting of beige and grey which contrasts against the flock of black birds. Furthermore, in my opinion the flock of birds indicates the plot of an epidemic in this film, they are pack animal therefore there are lots of them in a small area. I believe that the canted shot could represent corruption of the world and the negative effect it has. The music is jumpy and irregular which makes the audience feel anxious and unsettled. I think the music correlates with the irregular movements and directions of the birds which builds up tension. The shot is slightly blurred which heightens the audiences disorientation with whats happening.

This is a medium log shot of people coming out of an underground train; this contributes to the idea of whatever tragedy is going to happen. The sound is diegetic because it is a radio broadcast reporting about important issues that are going on around the world. This alerts the audience that whatever is happening is critical and urgent which imposes fear of the unknown. The news broadcasts makes it more realistic which heightens the audiences terror. The people are blurry which shows it is a busy place because it's a bustling city.

This is a medium long shot of a man going into a war tent and he is wearing a mask to protect himself from smoke. This makes the audience feel panicked by the crucial and upsetting news that is being broadcasted. The sound is diegetic because it is a live news broadcast informing the audience significant news happening around the world. The colours are dreary which links with the idea of war. The transition is speedy and sharp which build up tension.
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